Implicit vs. Explicit in Programming: Key Differences

Joseph Sibony

reading time: 

6 minutes

It’s no secret that software development is chock full of jargon and complex concepts, and at some point, you’ll need to confront the differences between implicit and explicit programming.

Understanding the differences will directly influence how your code operates and how smoothly you can maintain it.

So, grab your coding hat (and maybe a cup of coffee), and let’s explore each in detail.

Trust us, it’s going to be more fun than debugging at 3 a.m.!

What is implicit programming?

Implicit programming refers to processes happening behind the scenes in your code. It relies on default behaviors, type inference, and built-in functions to handle tasks without you having to specify every detail.

For example, imagine you’re writing a “Hello, World!” script into your program. You might simply write a statement that outputs the text “Hello, World!” without explicitly specifying that it should be treated as a string.

The programming language infers (assumes) that’s what you want based on the fact that you’ve provided text inside quotation marks.

What is explicit programming?

On the other hand, explicit programming is all about clearly and specifically stating what you want your code to do. It involves directly specifying types, function return values, and other details in your code rather than relying on the language to infer or assume anything.

There’s no room for assumptions or ambiguity here — you’re spelling out exactly what should happen, step by step.

Going back to our “Hello, World!” example, if you were to use explicit programming, you’d write code that specifically declared the output as a string, even though it might seem obvious.

This way, you’re making it clear to the program (and any other developers who might read your code) that you definitely want the output to be treated as a string, leaving no room for interpretation.

Implicit vs. explicit programming: Main differences

Now we know how to define implicit and explicit programming, let’s discuss the main differences between each style.

Run time vs pre-compilation decision-making

First up, there’s when and how decisions are made in your code.

Implicit programming lets the language handle things automatically during compilation or interpretation. It uses context and conventions to figure out aspects like type inference and default behaviors for you.

On the flip side, explicit programming means you control every detail before the code gets compiled or interpreted and run. You declare variable types, function return types, and other specifics up front.

Conciseness and readability

Then, there’s code conciseness and readability. Implicit programming can make your code shorter and easier to read by reducing boilerplate and repetitive declarations.

But beware — it can also lead to surprises, as the language makes some decisions behind the scenes. For instance, when you write a function to output a number, the type might be ambiguous (Is it an integer or a float?).

In contrast, explicit programming can make your code more verbose since you have to specify everything.

But this verbosity comes with a benefit: clarity. So, when you define a function to output an integer using “int”, you know exactly what you’re getting.

Implicit and explicit: Meaning in programming

Each programming language has its own set of conventions that dictate how implicitly or explicitly you need to code.

Take languages like C++ and Java, for example. These are known for being quite explicit.

You generally need to declare your variable types, function parameters, and return values.

If you’re working on a huge project with a big team, explicit programming helps everyone understand exactly what’s going on.

Conversely, dynamic languages like Python and Ruby are more relaxed and implicit. You typically don’t need to explicitly declare variable types, function parameters, or return values.

That can speed up your workflow but potentially introduce ambiguity, as your code isn’t as explicitly explainable at face value.

Mixing and matching implicit and explicit programming

Here’s where it gets interesting: You often mix and match implicit and explicit programming styles within a single language.

For instance, C++ and Java, despite their explicit nature, have features like “auto” type deduction and “var” that introduce some implicitness. These features let the compiler infer the type, saving you from writing it out.

On the other hand, Python has recently introduced optional type hints. These allow you to specify types explicitly, which can be a lifesaver for maintaining larger codebases or working in teams.

The final code-down

There you have it — a whirlwind tour of implicit vs. explicit programming!

So, which is the better style, explicit or implicit? It might seem like a cop-out, but the only valid answer is that it depends. Both styles have strengths and weaknesses.

The choice between coding implicitly and explicitly boils down to the language you’re using, the size and complexity of your project, and your personal coding style.

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Implicit versus explicit programming FAQs

What are implicit and explicit declarations in programming?

Implicit declaration in programming is when the language figures out key details for you.

You don’t specify the variable type — the language infers it from the value you assign. It’s like saying, “I’ll have a coffee,” and the barista knows to give you a regular black coffee.

Explicit declaration, on the other hand, is when you provide all the details yourself. You specify exactly what type a variable should be. It’s like saying, “I want a large cappuccino with extra foam.” You’re leaving nothing to guesswork.

What is an example of implicit programming?

Imagine you’re coding in a language like Python or JavaScript. When assigning a value to a variable, you don’t need to declare its type.

For instance, if you set a variable to 42 (x=42), the language automatically knows it’s an integer without you having to specify it. This is implicit programming — the language handles the type inference behind the scenes.

What is an example of explicit programming?

Think of a language like C++ or Java, where you explicitly declare the type of each variable. For instance, if you want to store the number 42, you would explicitly declare the variable as an integer type before assigning the value (int x = 42).

This way, you can clearly define the type of variable from the start.