Incredibuild, the leading solution provider of software development and continuous delivery acceleration technology, is now integrated into Visual Studio 2015. Microsoft Corp. made the announcement as part of the Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 release.
As a result of this integration, users may have Incredibuild installed from within Visual Studio. Current users of Visual Studio 2015 will have Incredibuild available in the latest software updates and it will also be included in all new Visual Studio 2015 releases.
Incredibuild allows builds, testing, and other development processes to execute in parallel locally, over a build server, or harness ideal CPU cycles in other computers over the entire network. Incredibuild also allows Visual Studio users to scale to the cloud and use Microsoft’s Azure to add more computing resources, substantially increasing performance, speeding build time, and improving developer productivity.
“This integration brings fast development and increased functionality immediately within Visual Studio to all programmers who use Visual Studio,” said Eyal Maor, CEO of Incredibuild. “As time to market takes on paramount importance, it is vital for developers to have easy access to development acceleration and visualize their build in an integrated fashion. It enables better software development and faster time to market, all in one package. Incredibuild has helped thousands of development teams speed up their entire development, enable significantly faster automated testing and reducing continuous integration cycles, accelerating not only code builds but also assets builds, simulation, rendering, and more. By natively integrating Incredibuild within Visual Studio, every development team will have the best combination of acceleration and visualization solutions along with the most powerful and robust IDE.”
Anyone who installs Incredibuild from within Visual Studio 2015 gets Incredibuild for free on up to 8 cores of an individual workstation. Additionally, users receive four more agents that can be used on up to 8 cores for one month free, providing total capability of 40 cores to speed up their development. Predicted Execution — a unique Incredibuild technology –that gives additional acceleration capabilities – is exclusively included in this free version for Visual Studio customers. Incredibuild’s visualization technology for build monitoring replay, analysis, and error detection is used within Visual Studio — allowing on the fly identification of inefficiencies, errors, and bottlenecks.
“With this collaboration developers can use Incredibuild’s build engine to lay out build plans for their applications with more parallelized execution of the build. This leverages hardware resources more effectively and provides monitoring to identify bottlenecks and better understand resource usage” said John Montgomery – Partner Director of Program Management for the Visual Studio Platform at Microsoft. The complete blog post can be found here.
Seamlessly integrated into Visual Studio 2015, Incredibuild provides capabilities not otherwise available, including:
Build Visualization – the ability to visualize the build process, easily detect errors, and identify bottlenecks for troubleshooting and optimization.
Predicted (Out of Order) Execution – using proprietary technology developed by Incredibuild’s build experts, Incredibuild’s predicted execution technology further optimizes the throughput (parallelization) and thus performance of C, C++, Android, and C# builds.
Virtual Machine Aggregation – Incredibuild can combine multiple virtual machines from within Azure and utilize all of the cores on the aggregated virtual machines in order to accelerate development within Azure.
Game Development – In addition to Android Native C++ support, developers creating console, desktop, and mobile games can create a multiplatform game within a single solution that can be compiled simultaneously. There is no need to create separate compilations for each target platform.
Incredibuild accelerates the entire Microsoft development platforms, including make and build tools such as MSBuild, development tools such as Team Foundation Server, unit and static code analysis tools such as MSTest, VSTest, and FXCop, game development such as Xbox, as well as Azure and Visual Studio Online.
All you need to do is navigate to Find New Projects within Visual Studio 2015. To start a new project, select the Build Accelerator tab and chose the IncrediBuild option.