Turbocharge your build,
not your cloud bill
A dev acceleration platform for software development in the cloud

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Cloud Optimization
To streamline cloud-based development, Incredibuild makes spot a reality and lowers costs by up to 30%. We spin the right mix of instances up or down dynamically according to core availability and your real-time workload demands. Our “auto fallback” feature ensures that no attempts fail, even across different machine types and availability zones. And, our advanced automation lowers the burden on IT with auto policy and patch and auto zombie machine management.
35% Cost Reduction
Leverage cheaper and more available machines
Make spot a reality with autoscale and fallback
Automation “IT Heaven”
Policy & patch updates
Handling zombie machines
Ups & downs
Why Incredibuild for Cloud?
Beyond cloud
provider offeringsUnlike built-in autoscaling solutions that trigger work based on machine parameters, Incredibuild
automatically scales based on the unique core requirements of your workloads at any given time. -
orchestrationIncredibuild dynamically and optimally allocates and de-allocates the best and most cost-effective mix of spot or on-demand instances based on your preferences and resource availability.
Keep your spot
With Incredibuild, handling and recovery is automatic, straight out of the box. Incredibuild automatically spins up a new instance and transfers the cache to ensure seamless continuity. No more “cold” machines – Incredibuild ensures you get the optimal machine type, every time.
Lower bill shock
Incredibuild delivers up to 35% decrease in cloud cost while optimizing performance speeds. For example, instead of taking an expensive 64-core machine for 1 hour, Incredibuild enables you to leverage multiple readily-available cheaper machines, using 640 cores for 6 minutes, instead.